Beloved OFRH Family Member,
As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, I hope you are rejoicing with me in the amazing gift of God’s Son to restore each of us to the state of blessedness God intended us to experience.
Dr. Fuller’s first message in December is entitled “The Blessed Ones” from Revelation 1:3-5. If you’ve spent much of your life in community with other Christians, you’ve certainly heard the word “blessing.” But have you thought much about what “blessing” means in a believer’s life? Being blessed has nothing to do with what we have done for ourselves that makes us happy. Rather, it is God’s unmerited favor which He accounts to those individuals He has created (you and me) as we fit into His plan.
In addition to the blessedness which is promised to us as we hear and take to heart what is written (see Revelation 1:3) why not take a moment to explore further blessings laid out in Revelation 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7 and 22:14? Over the next few months Dr. Fuller will unfold more fully this amazing New Testament book of prophecy. So we trust you’ll set aside the time to tune in each week.
During the month of December the CD we’re featuring is “Springs of Living Water” by our quartet ($16.50 which includes shipping). Those springs are the birthright of every believer, flowing through us and spilling refreshment over onto others. Now THAT’S blessedness in action! You may also want to consider purchasing “An Old Fashioned Christmas, Volumes 1 and 2” as well as “The Joy of Christmas” by Rudy Atwood. For those and any other last-minute Christmas gifts, do call immediately 800-977-6374 or order them here on our website.
And now let me bless you with the following letter from a listener in Oregon who recently shared her somewhat unusual “routine” when it comes to paying attention to OFRH. She says, “I make it a point to get my weekly Starbucks coffee and park in one of our nice parks to drink it while listening to your program. I have to listen in my car because it doesn’t come in good in my home. Then I take a short walk on one of the trails in the park before going home. I am so glad you send me an envelope each month. That’s like a ‘bill’ to remind me I ‘owe’ you some money, or I’d forget all about doing it. We humans need these helpful reminders to keep us on our toes.”
Well, we certainly appreciate all who help cover the cost of airing the messages and music over radio and the internet. If you’re being blessed and haven’t contacted us for awhile, we’d love to hear from you. And if you want your gift to count for the current year, it must be postmarked by December 31st.
Wishing you a most Blessed and Merry Christmas,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.