October 2017

Dearly beloved OFRH Family,
I really can’t believe it’s autumn, but here we are! This year has simply flown by. Maybe we could hit the “pause” button and then the “restart.” And to help, we’re featuring the OFRH choir CD entitled “Start Your Life Anew.” There are 15 encouraging songs, some with solos or duets. The price is just $12.50 which includes shipping. California residents, please add $1.16 for tax.
During the first two Sundays of October, Dr. Fuller will turn our attention to the Book of Judges, chapter 6. He’ll be focusing on how God prepared His servant Gideon for the tasks ahead, which He had intended him for. But first, Gideon had to learn who his God was and to own for himself that God would enable him to accomplish all His will and purpose. He also needed to recognize the voice of God and rest in full confidence of the goodness and also the power of God. My, what a privilege as well as a tremendous journey of obedience and faith.
Isn’t this also our journey throughout life, dear friend? Is this not what we have been created for as well? We’ve heard from a number of you who are going through very rough seas – and who are hanging on to your Lord, trusting Him as your only true Rock. We are so thankful to stand with you in prayer, believing with you that God is working out His good and perfect will.
Speaking of hanging on during rough seas, we really need your prayers as well. First, for the wonder-ful young husband and wife who’ve been volunteering their time and expertise for several years now as our webmasters. Over the past six months they have encountered a multitude of extreme difficulties. God, of course, knows the details. So please join us in earnest prayer on their behalf. Thank you!
Second, because this has been an incredibly lean summer for the Old Fashioned Revival Hour, it looks like we’ll have to make some critical decisions in the coming days, and we would hate to have to cancel any of our stations. So, if this ministry is feeding your soul, may we hear from you very soon?
Looking forward to your partnership in the gospel,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.