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  • Writer's pictureMichael Khanchalian

May 2024 Newsletter

Stairway to heaven

My dear OFRH family,


I’m so grateful for your many years of holding up our ministry “arms” of radio and the internet (see Exodus 17:10-13). With your generosity and the faithfulness of God, this outreach has been back on the air for 22 years. Please keep asking our Lord to continue to speak to all who come in contact with us and that the Holy Spirit will direct the music and preaching of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour to the ears and hearts  which need to hear it and that they’ll  respond to  Jesus. And if He is nudging you just now to support His work through OFRH, please do what you are able to do. And remember, this ministry goes on only as the Lord through you makes it possible.


It seems like the message for May 5 could have been preached by Dr. Fuller just a few days ago. As he guides us through Paul’s sermon in Acts 13, he points out that God chose Israel, and Dr. Fuller warns that any nation who goes against God’s chosen earthly  people “will go down in utter disgrace and destruction.”  Here’s something that America and other nations need to consider!


And then, as Dr. Fuller guides us through Acts 15, we’ll encounter those religious teachers who wanted to complicate the good news of the simple gospel  in the hearts of new believers with additional requirements of law-keeping and performance in order to be secure in the assurance of their salvation. This would not be “gospel” (good news) at all. Peter confronted them and declared:  “Now then, why are you testing God by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we have been able to endure? But we believe that we are saved through the [precious, undeserved] grace of the Lord Jesus [which makes us free of the guilt of sin and grants us eternal life] in just the same way as they are” (Acts 15:10-11 Amplified Version).


I’ve recently spoken with a number of believers who have secretly feared for their own position before God – that God might not have forgiven them as they are not doing enough for Him compared to others or according to some sermon or opinion they’ve heard.  Beloved friend, if you’ve struggled with this, here’s just a little reminder: Your loving Lord did everything necessary to make you as clean before Him as the new-fallen snow. It’s your grateful love He’s after and your humble and thankful heart. He’ll use you for His glory, to be sure, but let it be from the indwelling Spirit’s outflow of joy and thankfulness. He does not need us to add anything for our “save-ability” or security in Jesus.  


Oh, how He loves YOU! “Lead Me Gently Home” is a good prayer request, and it’s the name of May’s CD by the OFRH men’s quartet. It can be yours for just $16.50 (it’s $18.00 if you live in California due to tax).


May the Lord’s assurance, joy and peace just well up in your soul,


Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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