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Writer's pictureMichael Khanchalian

April 2024 Newsletter

Stairway to heaven

Dearest OFRH family,


My hope is that the overwhelmingly wonderful truths of Easter invaded your heart last month.  Slowly taking in and meditating on Isaiah 52:13 -  53:12 certainly did that for me. All of those prophecies of Isaiah were given 700 years before Jesus fulfilled them all on our behalf.  As one hymn writer put it: Jesus left His ivory palaces and came “into this world of woe. Only His great eternal love made my Savior go.”  Yes, He had purposed from time immemorial to do this. And certainly the Holy Spirit revealed it to Isaiah.


It is so important to keep our love for Jesus alive and strong in our hearts. And a great way to rekindle it may involve taking some deliberate personal time in some quiet place and be thrilled afresh with the truths  seen in Isaiah 52 and 53. Let me quote another hymn: “Amazing love!  How can it be that Thou my God shouldst die for me?”


Well, in addition to soaking up Scripture, our hearts can also be encouraged by Christ-honoring music. That’s why each month we feature one of our CDs. For April, it’s “A Shelter in the Time of Storm” with 17 numbers by the OFRH choir. You can order the CD for just $16.50 which includes shipping.


But, getting back to Scripture, during April Dr. Fuller will be taking us through Acts 11, 12 and 13. One event will demonstrate anew the power of prayer that the Lord has made available to us.  As God’s people prayed for Peter the night before he would probably  have  been executed, the Lord intervened in an unexpected and miraculous way and rescued him.  The Book of Acts is action-packed!


As we keep drawing near to our loving Savior day by day, and as our wills are transformed by His work within us, He instructs us to pray to His Father through His Holy Spirit. This is a privilege we need to remember and cultivate as we see our nation and other nations faltering and as we see God’s people suffering and the millions that Jesus still wants to draw to Himself. So, won’t you please keep the gospel-presenting ministry of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour in your prayers?  We’re grateful that we’ve been able to meet all our financial responsibilities so far, but lately our funds have been dwindling at a considerable rate. And we will be keeping your needs and requests in our prayers as well.


With total dependence on our Lord,


Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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