Dear beloved OFRH family,
How was your December? I’m quite sure some of you endured a deep sorrow. Others of you can look back on some very happy memories with family and friends you treasure. For my part, I broke my arm attempting to crank-start our Ford Model-T for our hometown Christmas parade. This is not helpful for a dentist who needs that arm, wrist and hand in order to meet the needs of his patients every day. Yet there were very dear times with my family at home, as well as with caring friends both at church and at the office granting me merciful consolation. Our OFRH quartet loves to sing: “This world is not my home, I’m just a-passin’ through.” I can identify perhaps a little more from year to year. How about you?
My prayer for you during 2024 is that no matter how your outside circumstances develop in this fallen world, you will find yourself “surprised by joy,” to quote C.S. Lewis. Most believers are familiar with the final verse in Psalm 23: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” In the original Hebrew the meaning of “follow” more clearly resembles “chase me down.” May the Lord Himself truly “catch up” to you a number of times this year, dear one, with the joy of His presence even when life’s externals are not necessarily encouraging!
As you enjoy the beautiful music on the OFRH broadcasts, this month Dr. Fuller will continue on in chapters 3 through 5 of the Book of Acts. And if you’d like to be refreshed by “Springs of Living Water” by the quartet, it’s the featured CD to begin 2024. There are 15 songs on the CD, and the purchase price is just $16.50 which includes shipping. For Californians it’s $18.00 due to tax.
Last month a gentleman emailed us. He lives in western New York where none of the radio stations carry OFRH, and he said: “It is great to hear that The Old Fashioned Revival Hour is still running/playing on the radio and also that I’m able to replay the program by your website!! …So please keep teaching and preaching the Old Fashioned Way!!!” We thank him for his encouragement.
And we thank you sincerely for your support and prayers as this broadcast “sallies forth” in obedience to our Loving Lord in order to reach people like that brother in New York.
Looking forward to hearing from more of you in 2024,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.