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Writer's pictureMichael Khanchalian

September 2020 Newsletter

Bible by Candle Light

Dear OFRH family,

If you have been following the most recent OFRH broadcasts, you know that we have watched the children of Israel reject God’s open door to the land He promised to give them. They ignored His commitment to grant them victory had they moved forward in His power. In 1 Thessalonians 5:24 we are told, “Faithful is He who calls you; He will also bring it to pass.” As we witnessed Israel shrinking back in fear, we also witnessed God’s displeasure with them. They forgot – or chose to disregard – all they should have learned by this time about who God is and what He was capable of doing.

Moving into September, Dr. Fuller will speak about the death of Moses, and we’ll see God reminding Joshua afresh to be strong and courageous. Joshua obeys, and this time the next generation of the children of Israel follow his leadership. It made me think of David’s powerful assertion: “Those who know Your name [who have experienced Your precious mercy] will put their confident trust in You, for You, O LORD, have not abandoned those who seek You” (Psalm 9:10 AMP).

Today, when there is so much fear and uncertainty, I am praying that each believer will revel in God’s commitment – that each one of us who’ve been declared righteous in Jesus will be fortified because “The righteous will be remembered forever. He will not fear bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting [confidently relying on and believing] in the LORD. His heart is upheld, he will not fear while he looks [with satisfaction] on his adversaries.” (Psalm 112:6-8 AMP).

Dear brother, dear sister – you have an Advocate, you have an Anchor. May the Living Water of contagious joy and security be a refreshing mist to any who are blessed to be in touch with you this month, whether by phone, letter or Zoom – or in person (even if it involves social distancing).

We were refreshed by a message from a lady in West Linn, Oregon, who said that the OFRH music was very lovely, encouraging, uplifting and beautiful. She’s a musician and feels that our music represents Christianity at its very best. She said, “It really hits my celebration chords.” With that in mind, this month we are featuring the OFRH chorus choir CD entitled “The Old Rugged Cross.” On it you’ll find 15 of those lovely, encouraging, uplifting and beautiful songs – and it’s available for just $16.50 (which includes shipping. If in Calif. add $1.50 tax). When you order it, let me urge you to include (if possible) a gift to this ministry. This summer we’ve fallen behind on our ability to pay a couple of our invoices, so we’d greatly appreciate any help you might be able to supply. Thank you in advance.

Refreshed by your fellowship in the gospel,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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