Dear and valued Revival Hour family,
Your OFRH board of directors had a wonderful time meeting together on May 25, praying and considering the Lord’s direction as we move forward in our 22nd year of rebroadcasting the music and messages of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour. I am so humbled and blessed to work with these dedicated servants.
And then three days later we received by email these encouraging comments: “Just found this
show a week ago…on a Sunday evening on a Christian station I listen to. Love it. Love it. I love the authenticity and genuineness of the entire hour. How refreshing to my heart and soul. Thank you for following the Lord’s leading to air these great programs again.” And she signed it: “Sincerely a born again Christian who loves the Lord and trusting Him in my walk each day.”
Dr. Fuller’s messages last month focused on how God disciplines His beloved children because He loves us so incredibly much. Jesus died for us, and we learn from 2 Corinthians 4:17 that He is currently readying us during times of affliction for an eternal weight of glory. Beloved, we will be unprepared for it unless we have, here and now, put our full trust and confidence in Him.
This month Dr. Fuller brings us into chapter 2 of First Peter. Being eager for the “milk of the word” will result in spiritual growth. God’s Word also cleanses us and develops faith so we can increasingly trust God’s wisdom which is far beyond ours. Instead of trying to think our way out of confusing and troubling circumstances, we’ll find our “Abba” Father faithful as the days, months and years go by. Also in chapter 2, we’ll see that God is building a temple, placing us and our brothers and sisters in Christ (our spiritual siblings) in that temple as living stones, with Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone holding us all together, as we each follow the path He has chosen for us. “There’s a Path” happens to be the CD we’re featuring for June. On it the men’s quartet brings you 15 numbers for just $16.50 which includes shipping ($18 for Californians – tax, you know).
As Dr. Fuller teaches this month and as you worship with us along with our musicians, may the Lord fill you with all joy and peace in believing!
Your brother in the Lord,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.