Wonderful OFRH family,
December brings us so much to praise God for. We’ll be celebrating the gift of Jesus and His willingness to come to this fallen earth to make a way for His grace to abound to us through His mind-blowing sacrifice on the cross for us. As Dr. Fuller guides us during this month through Acts, chapter 2, I think you’ll be blessed as you learn more about two Old Testament Jewish festivals (Passover and then Pentecost 50 days later) and how these festivals were looking forward to the New Testament celebra-tions we observe – Easter when Jesus was “declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4) and the Day Pentecost 50 days later when the Holy Spirit was poured out to empower and guide believers daily with His personal presence. God with us and in us.
November was a grand month for me as I worked on my thankfulness. Despite some hard times, God is continually working His perfect purposes out – dearly loving us even while often “pruning our branches” because of that love. Our times are in His hands for our good. I trust you fully agree, dear friend, for great is His faithfulness. Let’s trust Him and rejoice no matter what our outward circumstances may be.
And please be assured that the members of the OFRH board take your prayer concerns seriously. So if there is something weighing heavily on your heart, I hope you’ll feel free in sharing that with us. “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). And perhaps you would take time to pray for our son David and his wife Megan as they anticipate their first child (our first granddaughter) in early January. Your OFRH family prayer involvement will be greatly appreciated.
I mentioned God’s grace earlier in this letter, and as an emphasis we’d like to feature in this final month of 2023 the quartet’s CD entitled “Marvelous Grace.” God’s marvelous grace, of course, is His free gift, but the CD can be yours for just $16.50 which includes shipping (but $18.00 if you live in California, due to tax).
Thankful for God’s abundant grace,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.