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  • Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

December 2019 Newsletter

Christmas greetings, beloved OFRH family –

You are the Lord’s dear treasure, and He loves you so much that He came to earth some 2000 years ago to secure you for Himself. That’s an amazing thing to celebrate!

Just a reminder as we prepare for Christmastime: If you want to order any of our CDs or books as gifts, we need to receive those orders BY DECEMBER 10. You can shop and place your order online at – or call 1-800-977-6374. Leave a message and our office manager will return your call to take your order and credit card information.

I want to thank YOU for being a very special gift to the Old Fashioned Revival Hour. We are your extension to let others discover how loved they are by the Christ of Christmas and to freshly encourage His followers (if they are running near empty) to refill their “tanks” with living water at the True Well.

I’m praying that you and I will drink at that Well daily this month so that we will overflow with His love, His power, and His grace to each individual God allows us to touch. May the music and messages of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour help keep the joy of your faith bubbling within you as 2019 comes to a close and 2020 unfolds.

We are hoping and praying to end this year in the black. However, we have a long, long way to go even though we’ve reluctantly cancelled a number of stations this year due to very limited listener response. If you’d like to encourage us with a Christmas gift or an end-of-the-year contribution to this ministry, you may donate online at or mail your envelope postmarked no later than December 31.

Let me share this recent letter from a lady in Worcester, New York: “Thank you for broadcasting the Old Fashioned Revival Hour. I’m a newcomer of about a year or so. I love the music sung by the choir, as we sing the older hymns in our church also. And the message brought by Dr. Fuller is still relevant today! It’s wonderful hearing the letters written years ago by folks of humble means like myself. I have been wanting to send a donation for some time but was not able to. But have opportunity today. Hope to send you some another time, Lord willing. May God keep you financially able to keep this beloved program on the air. A new generation is being reached! Until the Lord’s return!”

Looking forward to hearing from more newcomers and long-timers,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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