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  • Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

July 2019 Newsletter

Greetings and thank you, dear ones –

I was so encouraged to hear from a number of you this past month. Your uplifting letters and support have meant a great deal to me personally, to my family, and to the entire OFRH board. As we gathered together last week to pray and continue to seek God’s heart for the critical broadcast decisions we must make, we read a number of those letters. My heart is much strengthened because of God’s grace flowing through your prayers and correspondence.

So let me share this “sad but glad” note from a fellow doctor of dental medicine: “It is with much grief that I write to inform you that my wife passed away in April. She was an ardent admirer of OFRH. Her father listened to Dr. Fuller’s program in their home when she was growing up. She was thrilled beyond measure when she heard your re-broadcast of the programs. Thank you for the blessing the program and you were to her in her final years. We had been married for 58 years, but before had dated for 7 years before we married while I did my college and dental school.”

Well, we are also thrilled to be able to re-broadcast these programs, and I want to call your attention to the four broadcasts coming up beginning on July 12. Dr. Fuller will be teaching about the nation of Israel: their calling, their rejection, their future restoration and the current conversion of Israelites and Gentiles. This is so timely since (amazingly) these messages were first preached some 62 years ago!

If you want to be blessed, don’t miss this inspiring series. And as always from week to week, please allow the wonderful music of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour to stir and rejoice your heart. The CD we’re featuring this month is “I Never Walk Alone” which has 16 numbers by the OFRH men’s quartet. It can be ordered for just $16.50 which includes shipping. (If you’re in California, it’s $18.00 due to tax.) With your order, if possible, please add a gift to help us continue this radio outreach ministry.

With heartfelt appreciation for your fellowship in the gospel,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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