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  • Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

November 2018 Newsletter

Precious supporter and encourager of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour,

We’re excited to announce that a rare recording of two verses of “Jesus Saves” by the choir has been found, so we’ve added 17 more songs that are not on any other choir CD's. This “Jesus Saves” CD can be yours for $16.50 which includes shipping. (California residents, please add $1.50 for tax.)

We also want to “warn” you that, effective December 1, the price for our $10 music CDs will go up to $12 (plus shipping, of course). This increase is necessary because the cost of postage and of all the components that make up a CD has risen considerably since 2002. So-o-o-o, if you’re planning to purchase CDs as Christmas gifts, you may want to order them in November and save a few dollars. That will also assure you of receiving them in plenty of time.

As we head right into this critical time in our own nation’s history, the first broadcast in November will feature a most critical hour in the history of the southern kingdom of Judah. Dr. Fuller will open to us the first chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah. I hope you’ll make a special point of joining us – along with others whom you feel the Lord would have you invite to tune in. Despite extending bleak warnings and condemnations, the Lord through His humble prophet continued to love and woo Judah back to Himself. Oh, the DEEP, DEEP LOVE of Jesus! May we seek to be cleansed and be a conduit of the Holy Spirit to splash the refreshing Living Water out on others. And as you vote this week, may the mind and heart of Christ your Savior move you to pray and will and work for His good pleasure.

Since 2010 it has been my privilege to host OFRH as the program announcer. During these past eight years we have aired approximately 400 broadcasts and are now ready to start over on November 11 (which happens to be the 100th anniversary of the armistice of World War I). We’re beginning with Dr. Fuller’s lengthy series on “The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.” In verse 3 of chapter 1 we find this beatitude: “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things that are written in it; for the time is near.” So I trust you’ll READ along with us as you HEAR Dr. Fuller’s teaching, and that you’ll KEEP (heed, lay to heart, pay attention to) this portion of God’s Word.

In these days leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas, may the Lord keep us alert to His purposes, and may we know the joy of submission to His grand plans for each of us. With love and gratitude for each of you,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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