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October 2018 Newsletter

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

Dear-to-my-heart OFRH family,

We look forward this month to bringing you more of Dr. Fuller’s inspirational teaching from the Gospel of Mark and from 1 Thessalonians as well as 1 and 2 Corinthians – plus, of course, a great deal of outstanding gospel music. We would also love to hear from more of our San Diego listeners as to how well you’re receiving the broadcast at 2:00 Sunday afternoons over K-Praise, 1210 AM and 106.1 FM.

Lately, I’ve been transferring to digital files a huge number of old wire sound recordings (the media that preceded tape recording). Included are the Billy Graham tent meetings in downtown Los Angeles that were held from September to November 1949. My family was involved in supporting these meetings, and thus many private sound recordings were made right off the platform. In these 70-year- old recordings I found Dr. and Mrs. Fuller well represented on stage during some of these meetings, and he actually led the singing of “Heavenly Sunshine” for some 8,500 plus attendees!

And going back into our Christian heritage even further (when wax cylinders were the new technology) I’d like to remind you about the Grammy nominated book, “Waxing The Gospel,” which is still available from OFRH. It features many of the well-known voices of evangelism during the 1890s, including D. L. Moody, Fanny Crosby, Ira D. Sankey and so many others. I was heavily involved in this publication (30 years in the making) with its three CDs bringing you four hours of music and voices along with 408 pages of historical research and pictures. You might want to consider the book for yourself or (with Christmas coming) as a special gift for someone on your pastoral staff.

And as long as I’m mentioning Christmas, you can get a big head start on your shopping by ordering now online at or by letting us know by mail or by phone the items you want. We offer over 40 music CDs along with about 400 broadcast CDs and a few books. This month’s featured CD is “Living For Jesus.” It has 16 wonderful piano solos by Rudy Atwood, a fantastic keyboard master. The price is just $13.00 which includes shipping. If you live in California, please add $1.25 for tax.

We continue to thank the Lord for each of you who helped us through the summer months with your gifts and prayers. And please don’t forget that by using Amazon Smile you can support the Old Fashioned Revival Hour as your charity whenever you order absolutely anything from Amazon.

May the Lord under-gird you and give you joy as you rest on all His faithful promises,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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