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September 2018 Newsletter

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

Beloved Friend of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour,

NEW way you can help keep this broadcast on the air: use Amazon Smile whenever you purchase any item from Amazon. Simply go to – then sign in as if you were logging onto your regular Amazon account. They’ll ask you which “charity” you’d like to support. Once you select the Old Fashioned Revival Hour, 1/2 cent of every dollar you spend with Amazon Smile will come to OFRH. If all of us do this, it will add up quickly and make a very real difference. Can we count on you?

NEW! Volume 7 in the “Gospel Favorites” collection with 26 songs by the choir and quartet that are not found on any of our other CDs: $16.50 which includes shipping (Californians, add $1.50 for tax).

NEW time and place to hear OFRH in the San Diego area. We have moved from K-Brite to K-Praise, 1210 on the AM dial at 2:00 pm every Sunday. Please let us know how the reception is from K-Praise.

As Dr. Fuller finishes his current studies in Romans this month, he will help us focus on being a positive encouragement to our fellow believers. Oh, how we need to avoid being a stumbling block to any precious brother or sister in our Lord’s family.

From Arlington, Virginia, one of our dear sisters wrote last month: “I so enjoy Dr. Fuller’s messages! I learn so much. I’m so glad I discovered them…on station WFAX-AM. Dr. Fuller helps me with his in-depth background Biblical informative texts…helps me with my Bible study groups.” Included with her letter was a gift she said “is toward continuance of this inspirational broadcast.”

And on that note, may I thank each of you who responded to my heartfelt words last month. We are so thankful to those who felt called of God to stand in the gap and help keep the Old Fashioned Revival Hour going out across the airwaves each week. It would be wonderful to hear from more of you if you appreciate these “inspirational broadcasts.” If you don’t want to take the time to drop a check in the mail, you can always give online at – or you can call 1-800-977-6374 and let us know you’d like to give using a credit card. Our office manager will call you back for your specific information.

Rejoicing that all things have become NEW in Christ Jesus,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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