Beloved OFRH family members,
As we head into our 17th year of bringing back to you the Old Fashioned Revival Hour, I am so grateful to each of you who together form a hedge ‘round about us in prayer and support.
I’ve spoken to folks this past month who, like myself, sometimes get a bit too tangled up in their concerns and problems. Those situations occupy the hugest part of their vision and perspective. Now although life is God’s gift to you, struggles and challenges can just keep piling up, or they may follow right on the heels of the previous ones. With that in mind, I want to share with you the words of a fellow believer (Isaac Watts) who in 1707 encouraged us to become enthralled with the mighty power and all-consuming love of our God and Savior:
“Tell of His wondrous faithfulness and sound His power abroad./ Sing the sweet promise of His grace,The love and truth of God./ His very word of grace is strong as that which built the skies./ The voice that rolls the stars along speaks all the promises.”
This kind of “true truth” may just shrink all your overwhelming trials and fears down to their rightful size as you take a little time to ponder the greatness of the Lord who created this vast universe, yet loves you, gave Himself up personally for you, and has you constantly in His thoughts. The nature of our God and all His loving concern for you, and His available power on your behalf, are spelled out all over the Word of God. Join me and soak there in the Scriptures this month as Dr. Fuller continues teaching from the first few chapters in the Book of Acts. Be absorbed in worship and then bow at His feet in wonder, peace and contentment which will be a model to other believers.
If music contributes to that wonder, peace and contentment, you may want to order the CD we’re featuring this month. It’s “Gospel Favorites, Volume 4” which has 28 numbers – half by the choir and half by the men’s quartet. The CD is available for just $16.50 which includes shipping.
An occasional KPDQ listener in Oregon sent a gift saying, “Some can’t give much – maybe the enclosed can be for their gift to you.” Well, shortly after that we received a couple of phone calls from an appreciative blind listener, who also tunes in to KPDQ, and who assured us that “OFRH is as timely and fresh as today,” adding, “I love the Lord. I study the Bible and have a small Bible study. I have His grace and strength as His servant.” These two remind me of Dr. Fuller’s teaching from Acts 4:32 and 33.
Thankful for each and every listener,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.