Dear OFRH Family,
Dr. Fuller is continuing his teaching from the Book of Revelation during the month of March. We’ll hear the specific word our risen Lord gave to each of the seven local churches that were located in Asia Minor during the last decade of the first century. The key admonition is to hold fast to the true faith. Errors, sins and shortcomings had crept into most of those churches, and the Lord lovingly but firmly reprimands each church specifically. He then encourages the faithful overcomers with breathtaking promises. Those promises are beautiful beyond comprehension. I hope you’ll take some time to ponder and revel in them and also remember that “your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (see First Corinthians 15:57 and 58). As we accept His reprimand and yield to Him, He will be at work in us “both to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).
As we look forward to Easter (which falls this year on the first day of April), let us all yield our souls and wills to our risen Savior afresh today, shall we? And to invigorate that yieldedness, perhaps you’d find “An Old Fashioned Easter” helpful. It’s our featured CD with 16 uplifting songs by the OFRH musicians, and it’s available for $13.00 which also covers shipping. (California residents must add $1.24 tax.)
And if you could include a special Easter gift to OFRH, it would certainly be welcomed. Click Here to Donate.
As I’ve mentioned in recent letters, we are at a crisis point because of a drop-off in financial support.
Therefore, we’ve had to cancel three of our major stations – with more to go. As stated quite often, we broadcast week by week only as God, through you – our friends and listeners – make it possible. If the Old Fashioned Revival Hour is important to you, your encouragement will mean so much to us this month.
The following letters give testimony to OFRH’s importance:
From a lady in Oregon: “Dear Dr. Mike, This letter, and gift for radio blessings, has been delayed too long. I had been critically ill and unable to walk. The pain was unbearable…. What a blessing it has been to have OFRH on my little radio. On Sundays it was great to have all the old familiar voices and power preaching of Dr. Fuller. We are praying we won’t lose you in this area, but God has all in His plans…. I am walking now and able to take care of myself. What a wonderful ministry you have. It isn’t easy these days when the enemies of the Gospel want to do away with God and the Bible. Thanks to all of your staff.” And from a man in Virginia: “Dr. Mike – Thanks for the blessings you make possible each week through the OFRH. The music makes my heart sing. So hard to find the beautiful old hymns anywhere now except on CDs and records…. Amazing that we can still enjoy his doctrinally sound sermons so many years since he went to be with his Savior. We so appreciate your work to keep OFRH still coming. We pray for God’s blessing on you and your work.”
Please join these dear ones in praying for this ministry, and God bless you richly,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.