Dear OFRH faithful,
As we enter 2021, let the joyful singing by the OFRH quartet and chorus choir – and let Dr. Fuller’s heartfelt teaching from Paul’s letter to Titus – lift your spirits. He will be unpacking some amazing truths for us to hold onto and to live by “in this present age” (Titus 2:12).
I want to express my gratitude to you who, during these challenging days, have enabled the Old Fashioned Revival Hour to carry on in our Lord’s strength because you have remained faithful with your prayers and tangible support. You have “held up our hands,” as Dr. Fuller liked to say, referring to Aaron and Hur in Exodus 17:12 when Amalek fought with Israel at Rephidim.
Among Dr. Fuller’s many favorites is the song “This World Is Not My Home.” As believers, perhaps during 2020 we found ourselves much more aware of our great need to be calmly and contentedly at home in Jesus here and now rather than in this world which seems to be less and less recognizable.
So, as we hunker down in our true home and bid others to follow Jesus, let’s pray for revival – first in our own hearts and then in our neighborhoods and “to the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Rejoice that God is at work and says in Isaiah 55:11, “My word…shall accomplish that which I please.”
Last month we were encouraged by this note from a lady in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. She says, “Thank you for ‘reviving’ the timeless music and messages of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour. I’m ninety years old and listened to the broadcasts with my family many years ago. May the music and words from Dr. Fuller continue to bring souls to Christ.”
The warm music CD we are featuring this chilly month is “On A Winter Day.” It has 5 numbers by the chorus choir, 5 by the men’s quartet, and 5 piano solos by Rudy Atwood. The price is $16.50 which includes shipping. But if you live in California, it’s $18.00 due to tax. And please start us off in the new year by including an encouraging gift to the ministry if you’re able to do so.
Resting in Jesus “in this present age,”
Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.